The new iPad vs. iPad2 (非專業)

The new iPad 車拚 iPad 2
大家通常都用 iPad / 平版電腦做甚麼? 瀏覽網頁, 看電子書/雜誌, 看電影? 因為size 太大, 所以通常應該不會帶出去外拍吧? 我個人是都用來和家人 facetime 比較多, 但是, 非常想complain 的是, iPad 的front side camera 真的是爛的沒話說, 這次雖說是採用 Retina display, 但好像只有在 backside camera, 所以只有後拍有進步, 至於 facetime 仍是用front side camera, 所以我還是一樣氣……不過至少為下一代iPad留下一些進步空間….

今天的兩代iPad 車拚, 主要針對 camera quality, text quality, speed, power consumption.
大致上我們都知道 the new iPad 較 iPad2 贏在畫面品質, 速度快些, 也比較耗電 ( 之前 youtube 看到有人拿來熱茶 ), 但實際上拿到貨, 也是要來客觀的比一比, 已證實網路上有些批評是不是太過誇張….

What do you usually use iPad/tablet for ? Web browsing, reading ebook/emagazine, watching movie? I think you usually won’t use iPad to take photo too much because the size is not that small to carry all the time with you…. I personally use it to facetime with my family all the time. That makes me really want to complain the front side camera of iPad ( no matter which one) sucks! Even though they adopted the Retina display, but it seems only applied to the backside camera. Facetime is using the front side camera, which is not benefit from that at all! Well, at least they still have space to improve for the next generation..

Today we’re gonna try to compare these two generations from some perspectives, like camera quality, text quality, speed, power consumption. Generally speaking, we all know that the new iPad has better image quatily, faster speed, but also consume more power than iPad2. However, I still wanted to test it in person to prove if some web criticize is too over exaggerated or not.

< Backside Camera >


左邊是 iPad3, 右邊是 iPad2, 都是使用back side camera
您可看到, 左邊(iPad3) 可以清晰看到羽毛的形狀, 右邊卻有些模糊 ( 應該不是我的手震, 因為我把iPad 靠在沙發上拍 ), 另外, 在做圖片處理前, 我喵了一下 resolution, iPad3=> 2592×1936, iPad2 => 960×720..
The left was taketn from iPad3, while the right was iPad2, both with back side camera.
You can obviously find out, the left side can see the detail of the feather, while the right side looks blur.
( In order to get rid of the reason caused by me holding unstably, I did lean the ipad on the sofa. )
Also, before I processed those photos, I wrote down the resolution of them. For the left one(ipad3) => 2592×1936, iPad2 => 960×720
<Text quality>
近拍之下, 有些手震, 但您仍可以清楚發現, iPad2 似乎連edge的像素都看的到…
More closer
<Speed >
想了很久, 不知道該如何比對它們兩個的速度, 正巧Paul 發現有個 App 可以create jobs 測試 iPad 的速度, 暫且用它為標準吧! 它叫 “Linpack”, 在兩台都分別下載它.
I thought for a while, couldnt come out an idea of how to test the speed of them. Meanwhile, Paul found out there’s an App, called “Linpack”, which can create some jobs to run the system, and report the simulation time. Let me download at both iPad.
一開始我Problem size 設100 units, run 50 次, 結果iPad2  居然比 the new iPad 還快一些!
一定是我搞錯了, the new iPad 應該要比較快吧 ?!
In the begining, I tried to create a problem with size equal to 100, and set the run # to be 50. And then the result was not that much significant ( iPad3=0.0048 sec, iPad2=0.0046), iPad2 was even faster then iPad3.
I thought there must be somthing about my setting was wrong. the new iPad was supposely to be faster, isnt it?
我想是 Iteration 次數不夠多, 如果把 run 的次數調高到 100 次, The new iPad 勝出約 10 %的速度, 這結果聽起來比較合理! 
( 又或者是有 curve, 某些範圍內是 iPad2 比較快, 超過某些範圍, 就是 iPad3 的天下了? )
Then I figure out, it must be not enough iterations. If I increased the run# to 100, then the result showed more resonably , iPad3 is around 10% faster than iPad2.
有興趣的人可以試試 download 玩玩, 甚至可以 run 更大的job, 我想結果應該會更明顯!
<Power consumation >
先說說我的簡易測試流程, 首先先把兩台都充飽到100%, 然後把 brightness 都拉到最亮, 然後放同一部影片(約10min), 再看兩台各剩多少電…
Here was my procedure, first, charged both till 100%, and then boosted both brightness to maximum. Then played the same video (~ 10min), and checked how much power left for each.
來一首約十分鐘的一號鋼琴曲吧! ( 先讓 youtube 跑一下再開始測試, 測試也是從100% 開始, 以免download 也會造成耗電的原因)

10 分鐘過後, iPad3 掉到 97%, iPad2 仍維持在 100%, 我摸了摸兩台, iPad3 的確是熱了點, 但是還不到可以熱茶的程度…

剛剛又有朋友建議 ( 3Q! ), percentage 的確無法明確表示掉了多少power, 讓我簡單計算一下:
iPad3 的官方資料, 電池消耗率是 42.5-watt-hr, 約可玩10 hr –> 電池滿格應該有 425 watt-hr –> 也就是說, 1% 約相當 4.25 watt-hr 的電量
drop 3% ~ 12.75 watt-hr
( 但官方 Averate power consumed for 10 mins= 42.5 * 10min/60min = 7.08 watt-hr)
所以說, iPad3 播放電影的耗電量大大高出了平均值

iPad2 的官方電池消耗是 25-watt-hr, 約可玩10hr –> 電池容量應有 250 watt-hr (1% 算2.5 watt-hr)
但如果沒掉格, 不知道該怎麼算? 
給各位參考一下, 25-watt-hr * 10min/60min = 4.16 watt-hr
如果說1% 算 2.5watt-hr, 那也應該要掉個一格了, 但卻沒有, 也許是有些unknown 因素影響了結果? 或者是說, iPad2 播放電影異常的省電?

我想應該要放個 2小時的電影, 結果會更好分析些……等我有空再來玩!

After 10 mins, iPad3 dropped to 97%, while iPad2 still remain at 100%. I touched both , and iPad3 did feel wamer,..but not to the extend to heat tea….
Based on iPad3’s official battery spec, 42.5 watt-hr, so the total battery should be around 425 watt-hr ( spec says can last for 10hr), that means each percentage represents ~ 4.25 watt-hr
drop 3% ~ 12.75 watt-hr
( Based on the official average information, the average power for 10 mins = 42.5 * 10min/60min = 7.08 watt-hr)
So, the conclusion is, iPad3 consumed much more power when playing vedio.For iPad2 is 25-watt-hr * 10 hr –> 250 watt-hr (full amount of the battery, 1% battery = 2.5 watt-hr)  However, the bar didnt drop, I am kind of confused how to calculate it…
let’s say, for 10 min, the power consumed is around – 25-watt-hr * 10 min/60min = 4.16 watt-hr
So, theoretically, the bar should drop 1%, but it didnt….

I think maybe I should play a 2hr movie in order to show more difference..


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